Wasting Time...

...is something I do well. For example, I awakened rather early for a Sat. (around 6:30) and was unable to go back to sleep due to a sore throat brought on by those wonderful autumn allergies. I came downstairs intending to start a writing project that I have been mulling over in my head. My first mistake was deciding to turn on the computer instead of brainstorming on paper. I know, I know, I could just start it on the computer; it is easy enough to type up what I already have in my head and then edit later. But, since the computer was on, I thought I might as well check e-mail. And maybe I will see if my sister has updated her blog. And what about the latest news? Or how about that sale at that on-line store? Or that article I have been wanting to read? Or...you get my point. Suddenly it is a couple of hours later and I have not even come close to accomplishing what I originally intended.

Well, at least it is a Sat. and I am not obligated to be anywhere at any certain time. And it is nice to be up early on a Sat. and have some time to myself before the rest of the household awakens. But, could I have used my time more efficiently? I am certain I could have. However, I chose to let myself wander around the internet and play a couple of games. What could I have done to be more productive in that quiet time I had before the day really got started? Following is a list of things to combat time stealers.

  1. Make a priority list. Write down a list of things that must be accomplished today. Then prioritize them: what must be done first, second, etc. Then do them, crossing them off as you go. Seeing your list shrink is a great motivator.
  2. Make a list of things you want to do. Order this list according to what you expect to accomplish and when. {Regarding both of these items, unless it is something such as an appointment or work or something with a deadline (or my husband is out of socks), etc., I am not going to fret if it does not get crossed off my list that day. Some days there are just not enough hours in the day to do it all. That's why I prioritize. If the items at the bottom of the list do not get done, so be it. There is always tomorrow!}
  3. Know your limits! Keep in mind what distracts you. What pulls you away from the things you really need or want to do? What must be done to avoid temptation? When my daughters were younger, I had shorter amounts of time to do what I needed or wanted. Knowing that I would need to give them my time and attention was enough motivation to use my time efficiently. Now, the computer and the television take me away from my priorities. Limiting my t.v. time to a particular show and using a timer to limit computer time help keep me focused on my needs/wants list.
  4. Listen to your body! If I am tired, hungry or bursting with energy, I am distracted from my priorities. A little snooze, not skipping meals or eating a snack and taking a long, brisk walk keep me focused. Ignoring my body's signals leaves me irritated and lethargic and most definitely unmotivated.
  5. Allow time for fun! Nothing is a better motivator than having a good time once in a while. Plan time for a bit of fun (or at least some down time) each day. All work and no play makes for a cranky Mommy!

What works for you? Share your ideas in the comments section or feel free to e-mail me (address link is on my profile page).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have made a chart of chores i want to do daily, weekly/bi-weekly, & monthly. they're all on one page (for 2 months at a time), so i can plan the week and arrange my jobs around appointments/other things that come up. also, then i can see what i missed the past week or what's coming up, and what areas i need to improve on. i've had other friends who have made a colored index card for each day of the week. their chores are on the card & they go through their cards each week. -ab