Being the 10th Jane Austen Mystery by Stephanie Barron. Jane meets up with another rogue, only this one is hardly a gentleman. Lord Byron and Jane cross paths and despite the initially disturbing circumstances, Jane finds him alluring. Byron is quite handsome and captivating. His way with words makes him all the more appealing and fascinating to Jane.

Jane and her dear brother Henry come across Lord Byron as they travel to Brighton (that place where Lydia Bennet escapes in Pride and Prejudice). The two are in search of some time away from responsibilities and mourning following the death of the beloved Eliza (after a painful illness-sounds like cancer). Brighton is not exactly a quiet, out-of-the-way place, but decidely an Eliza kind of town. It is along this road to Brighton that the infamous encounter with Byron occurs.

Byron, the scoundrel, has kidnapped a young girl from Brighton, binding her hands and gagging her mouth. This beautiful young maid later turns up dead at the inn Byron has recently vacated, in the very bed he slept in, no less. Her death is immediately blamed on Byron. Jane, however, believes the man to have been framed and sets out to find the truth.

Jane, not being one of the aristocratic class, relies on Henry's banking connections to gain access to those who will have the answers to her queries. With her admittance to the social events of Brighton, we learn that Byron is not the only rogue in town. Perhaps not even as much as a rogue as first impressions lead us to believe. Other men of the ton are vying for most roguish character alongside Byron.

In a previous post, I expressed my sadness that the series may be ending sooner than I would like. Jane's encounter with Lord Byron takes place in spring of 1813, just 4 years prior to Jane's death. The books have been a real treat. I pick up the next as soon as I complete one. At some point, Ms. Barron will reach the end of Jane's "journals". Having read her other works, I am sure she will find more inspiration to keep us reading.

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