"It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by. How else, indeed, to clap the net over the butterfly of the moment? For the moment passes, it is forgotten; the mood is gone, life itself is gone. That is where the writer scores over his fellows: he catches the changes of his mind on the hop." Vita Sackville-West
Merry CHRISTmas
2008 has been a year of blessings. New lives have been welcomed into the world. Tragedy revealed abundant generosity and love previously unknown. 50 years of holy matrimony was celebrated while a new marriage was begun. Blessings came in the form of ample opportunities to serve our fellow brothers and sisters, sometimes receiving blessings where none were thought to be. Reflecting back over the year, if we look and listen hard enough, many more blessings will surely become obvious.
So long ago, shepherds looked in fear to the night sky, suddenly brightened to daylight by a multitude of angels singing loud Hosanas. They listened as the angel of the Lord told them of the greatest miracle of the ages. They ran through the streets to the far side of a sleeping town to see for themselves the babe lying in a manger. And there, they were the first to see the Holiest and most wonderful of blessings God has ever given His children, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Some time later, wise men from the East also looked to the heavens, studying a star. They were compelled to follow that star until they reached what lay below. Even they knew something special was about to be revealed to them. Their search ended at the doorstep of the King of Kings.
Others even later looked and listened, afraid of what they saw and heard, denying the truth. Yet their actions became a blessing as God’s plan unfolded then and continues to unfold now.
People over the centuries have looked and listened and found Him. Some still look and listen, not knowing what it is they seek or expect to hear, not finding anything. Our hope for you in 2009 and beyond is that you look and listen and see and hear the goodness and love of our Holy Father.
Have a joyous CHRISTmas and a properous New Year!
Another Custom Job
A Happy Client
Happy Turkey Day!
Spring in November
The End of the Garden
What's Up?
One other project I undertook was building shelves for my canned goods. I canned peaches, applesauce, pickles and some preserves and jams. All I needed was a place to store all of those jars of goodies. The project took more time than I anticipated, but I ended up with plenty of shelf space and have a convenient spot at the bottom of our basement stairs to keep it. Looking at the filled jars lining the shelves is almost like looking at a work of art. The deep colors of the strawberry preserves, the bright yellow-orange of the canned peaches, the summery green of the pickles and the rest of the preserved fruits, all of those colors come together for a display that is candy for the eyes. I will post a picture sometime soon.
Before wrapping up this post today, I have to share this. This morning I woke up with this song in my head: "Jesus is a friend of mine. From now until the end of time. He is in my heart; we will never be apart. Yes, Jesus is a friend of mine." The only reason I can come up with for having that tune dancing around in my head is that maybe I needed that reminder today. I hope it doesn't mean anything for the rest of my day!
Wasting Time...
Well, at least it is a Sat. and I am not obligated to be anywhere at any certain time. And it is nice to be up early on a Sat. and have some time to myself before the rest of the household awakens. But, could I have used my time more efficiently? I am certain I could have. However, I chose to let myself wander around the internet and play a couple of games. What could I have done to be more productive in that quiet time I had before the day really got started? Following is a list of things to combat time stealers.
- Make a priority list. Write down a list of things that must be accomplished today. Then prioritize them: what must be done first, second, etc. Then do them, crossing them off as you go. Seeing your list shrink is a great motivator.
- Make a list of things you want to do. Order this list according to what you expect to accomplish and when. {Regarding both of these items, unless it is something such as an appointment or work or something with a deadline (or my husband is out of socks), etc., I am not going to fret if it does not get crossed off my list that day. Some days there are just not enough hours in the day to do it all. That's why I prioritize. If the items at the bottom of the list do not get done, so be it. There is always tomorrow!}
- Know your limits! Keep in mind what distracts you. What pulls you away from the things you really need or want to do? What must be done to avoid temptation? When my daughters were younger, I had shorter amounts of time to do what I needed or wanted. Knowing that I would need to give them my time and attention was enough motivation to use my time efficiently. Now, the computer and the television take me away from my priorities. Limiting my t.v. time to a particular show and using a timer to limit computer time help keep me focused on my needs/wants list.
- Listen to your body! If I am tired, hungry or bursting with energy, I am distracted from my priorities. A little snooze, not skipping meals or eating a snack and taking a long, brisk walk keep me focused. Ignoring my body's signals leaves me irritated and lethargic and most definitely unmotivated.
- Allow time for fun! Nothing is a better motivator than having a good time once in a while. Plan time for a bit of fun (or at least some down time) each day. All work and no play makes for a cranky Mommy!
What works for you? Share your ideas in the comments section or feel free to e-mail me (address link is on my profile page).
A Confession
I store all of my seasonal decorations in the colored bins. And yes, even those bins are organized on the inside! Each is labeled, and in the case of multiple bins for one holiday or season, they are very specifically labeled with their contents. For example, when I begin decorating for Christmas, I start with the outdoor lights and garland. I know exactly which bins contain the lights, another has the garland. They are also stacked in the order I will take them down. Otherwise, with as many bins as I have, I would be constantly moving bins around in order to get to the one I want.
The clear bins I purchased to replace a couple of cardboard boxes were a deliberate purchase. I have consumables in each bin. I can take a quick peek to see if anything needs to be replaced. A small one contains bows for packages; a larger one for tissue paper, gift bags, ribbon, etc.
On the lower shelves, I have a clear bin and an orange bin. Each of these (one for each daughter) contains the projects and some schoolwork that our girls have done since they first picked up a crayon or a gluestick. I have sorted through them in the past, but the next time I do so, I intend to create a scrapbook (or scrapbooks) of some of the smaller projects and take photos of some of the larger, bulkier ones. I will keep you posted on my progress.
Not counting the time I took to drive to the recycling center with the cardboard and the store for the bins, total time for this reorganization project was approximately 3.5 hours.
Blog updates
As you can see, I have added links to the blogs I am following. They are 2 of my sisters, my younger brother and my aunt. If you are offended by anything you might read on those blogs, keep in mind, I am only related to them! However, I believe you will not find anything offensive. My older sister is a knitter. I encourage those of you who like to knit to give her blog a look. She keeps busy with her projects!
An Official End to Summer (sigh)
With a low in the 40s last night and an expected high around 70 degrees and Back to School Nights this past week, it's with a heavy sigh of disappointment that I bid the summer of 2008 a fond farewell. Ah, summer of 2008, how good you were and yet you leave me feeling empty. You gave me a couple of fun-filled and satisfying trips, but you left me wanting more. You came into my life in June, all hot and heavy and you abandon me now with an air of unexpected coolness. What happened? I had such high hopes for you and you have now dashed them all to the ground like so many falling leaves! Go ahead, leave me all alone and shivering as the cool winds of Autumn blow in, urging me into long pants and sweatshirts. Ohhh how I despise you now! With open arms, I must welcome Autumn in my life, not to replace you (how can your naturally warm caresses and liberal spontaneity be replaced?), but merely to take your place. Goodbye Summer of 2008. With fondness, I will always remember you!
Rain Barrel
Seasonal Decorating
Most people do a bit of decorating based on the seasons. It's nice to usher in the new season with a few things that are kept in storage for most of the year. Sometimes, just a few little items can give a room a new look and feel. Soon, I will be putting away all of the bright summery decorations and bringing out the Fall and Halloween decorations.
I am one who does not really enjoy cleaning, especially dusting. My daughter will dust for me and she does do a pretty good job, but sometimes, everything needs to be cleared off the surfaces and thoroughly dusted and cleaned. The best time to do that is when I change seasonal decorations. The decorations themselves get a good cleaning before they are put back into storage and all surfaces are shined and ready for the next season. Depending on how much I have (every year it seems like I put away a little more than the year before. Somehow, end-of-season sale items end up in my shopping cart!) and how many family members help, it may take a day or two for the whole process to be completed. The rooms look and smell (citrusy) fresh as a result. It makes me feel good to have accomplished this task.
I go through this process with every season change. I know I should dust thoroughly more often (some of us have asthma and allergies), but, except for summer, it does get done about every month and a half. Below is a list of most decorating seasons. Maybe you have more holidays to add to the list. Just leave them in the comment section. I could add them to my list and dust my house more often!
- Winter
- Valentine's Day
- St. Patrick's Day
- Easter/Spring
- Summer
- Fall/Halloween
- Fall/Thanksgiving
- Christmas
A couple of recent projects
We live in the woods. We have a well from which all of our water is supplied. I have always wanted to supplement our water usage by catching rain water. Those who know me, know my love of growing things. Therefore, I have quite a few plants that require water every few days, particularly if we do not get rain. A rain barrel is my solution to conserving the water table and benefitting my plants. And I love to make stuff! I have it set up right next to my vegetable garden where I can simply hook up a hose and water those plants without any extra labor (not that walking back and forth with 16 pounds of water at a go or hauling out and reeling the hose back in hurts my figure). I found several plans on-line, combined and modified them to suit my needs and budget, and voila! A well-placed cedar tree (found as a sapling on our property, carefully transplanted into a container and lovingly nurtured all summer) will grow up full and tall to shield the neighbor's view of the barrel.
The other project I tackled I had on my mind for a couple of years. It just took me awhile to actually get to it. It was not a priority, but now that it is completed, I don't know why I didn't finish it sooner! Our master bath is a very nice size. However, there are some areas that could use additional privacy. A simple screen was all that was needed to create privacy. Using 4 sheer curtain panels, 5 8' 1x1's and decorative hinges, I found the privacy I desire! I used one curtain panel on each side, folding over the botton half for maximum privacy. And, we have the privacy without sacrificing the penetration of natural and artificial light.
Some ways I have organized our garage
One other thing that is a good idea in a garage. Having unfinished walls can be used to your advantage. Not only do you have the studs exposed, but if you look closely in the pictures, you see that I was able to have bulky items set back further in between the studs. No bumping heads or knocking things off!
I also put items closest to where I am more likely to use them. For example, the sports equipment is right next to the garage door opening. We can just grab a ball and head to the hoop!
Post #1
My sad looking peppers and tomatoes-I grew in this same location last year with excellent results
More sad looking tomatoes and peppers.
The end of the lettuce and a couple more tomato plants. I have planted fall lettuce and spinach and hope to have better results.